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HomeGamesApex Legends Update 1.58 Is Live

Apex Legends Update 1.58 Is Live

Respawn Entertainment announced a new update for the Apex Legends players, and with that 1.58 update, several bugs and errors that occurred after the Season 8 patch are fixed.

With the launch of the new season, the game has changed in a good way. We met with a new Legend, we started to roam and fight in Kings Canyon, and many more good things happened. Also, we see some buffs, nerfs, and fixes with the new season. On the other hand, we also started to encounter some bugs and errors we’ve never seen before. Actually, it’s quite understandable when we think that the developers released a big patch with the new season. And this 1.58 update is focusing on those problems.

After the release of Season 8, some players are complaining about the FPS drops that happened randomly in the game. Also, many Bloodhound players are saying that their tactical ability (Q) is not working. If you are one of the players we expressed, update your game immediately. Because the new update is fixing those problems.

apex legends 1.58

Details of the Apex Legends 1.58 Update

  • Solved a problem that players won’t be scanned by Bloodhound’s tactical if they were already scanned by a different Bloodhound’s tactical
  • Fixed some errors related to explosive holds on Kings Canyon
  • Various stability fixes
  • Wrongly disabled dialogues are re-enabled

After the launch of Season 8, Respawn announced a few hotfixes for some errors. Those errors didn’t need an update, they were released as a hotfix. Here are the problems that fixed with that hotfix.

  • Fixed an error stopping players in Belgium from purchasing the Battle Pass (Note: the button will still say “Unavailable”, but clicking it will let you purchase the Battle Pass. A client patch later will fix the button still saying “Unavailable”).
  • Fixed an edge case where the gas from Caustic’s ultimate would persist even after his squad was eliminated.
  • Players can’t block the damage from grenades by dropping items on top of them.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed Fuse’s tactical ability to do damage through shields.
  • Reduced likelihood of late-game circles ending on Mirage Voyage and The Pit in Kings Canyon.
Umut Arı
Umut Arı
gaming / hiphop enthusiast


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