MIBR has finalized their roster by signing André "drop" Abreu and Rafael "saffee" Costa, who were previously part of FURIA.…
A 22-year-old player has joined the team to fill the gap left by Aleks "Rainwaker" Petrov's departure to Liquid. https://twitter.com/500esports/status/1675148375530848257?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1675148375530848257%7Ctwgr%5E96b09965b9846c4a78f84eefe52535792596aae0%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hltv.org%2Fnews%2F36569%2F500-add-kaluber…
Brazilian organization paiN is considering a move from North America to Europe, seeking better opportunities in the region. In an…
SAW's former analyst, Daniel "NABOWOW" Brito, who took over as interim coach in April, has now been officially appointed as…
FURIA has officially announced the departure of AWPer Rafael "saffee" Costa and youngster André "drop" Abreu. The team is currently…
Valve recently released a significant update for Counter-Strike 2, which introduces several notable changes. https://twitter.com/CounterStrike/status/1674576424798416897 One of the major updates involves…
Astralis has made the announcement that Kristoffer "Kristou" Aamand will be leaving their academy lineup as they head into the…
The Danish organization, Astralis, faced penalties for their failure to disclose and report an existing conflict of interest. Astralis was…
The German player who has been with MOUZ for nearly a year and a half will no longer be starting…
Wesley "hardzao" Lopes, a 22-year-old player, has announced that he is no longer part of paiN Gaming's active roster and…