Edward Gaming became the champion of the Worlds 2021 tournament, the biggest League of Legends tournament. https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1454853455839993857?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1454853455839993857%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-25721009091183951898.ampproject.net%2F2110212130002%2Fframe.html This year, a…
Chinese esports organization FunPlus Phoenix announced on its official Twitter account that they are leaving the professional CS:GO scene. In…
The scammers, who allegedly stole credit cards and send Bits to Twitch streamers, laundered a total of $10 million. The…
ZOWIE, the official display partner for PGL Major Stockholm 2021, has prepared a page where you can find the screen…
Rumors have it that Team Liquid may strengthen their League of Legends roster with Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg. Organization is also…
Endpoint announced on its official Twitter account that they have sent Thomas “Thomas” Utting to the bench. https://twitter.com/TeamEndpoint/status/1455912758214545418 The announcement…
A new squad announcement came from Digital Athletics, which parted ways with the PUBG squad last month. Digital Athletics, one…
Astralis, has parted ways with Peter “dupreeh” Rasmussen, Emil “Magisk” Reif and Danny “zonic” Sørensen, whose contracts will expire at…
Acend made a statement on Twitter about Mehmet Yağız "cNed" İpek, who was mentioned in the Twitch Bit Scam controversy.…
We made an interview with Furkan Güven, who is the founder and CEO of Eternal Fire. The team stocked fire…