Eastern Europe became the champion of the BLAST Spike Nations, which was jointly organized by Twitch and Riot Games. The…
Istanbul Wildcats, one of the successful esports teams of Turkish VALORANT scene, strengthened its men's and women's teams with new…
Beyond Gaming's mid laner Chien "Maoan" Mao-An has been suspended from Worlds 2021. The accusations came after the Play-In Round…
Cloud9, one of the biggest North American esports organizations, announced its League of Legends: Wild Rift roster through Twitter. https://twitter.com/Cloud9/status/1446205208774656023?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1446205208774656023%7Ctwgr%5Ehb_2_7%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-27838340253991224797.ampproject.net%2F2109272305001%2Fframe.html…
Worlds 2021, featuring the best League of Legends teams, started this week. The group stage of the tournament has not…
100 Thieves has announced its new Apex Legends roster. The organization is finally back in Apex Legends scene. The organization…
This year's champion of the Red Bull Flick Tournament, Turkey's biggest 2v2 CS:GO tournament, was the ALPARTAY team. Turkey Final…
Fnatic, one of the biggest esports teams in the world, has signed with Smooya instead of English player Jackinho. The…
The format of the VCT Game Changers tournament, in which all-female VALORANT teams compete, has changed once again. VALORANT apologized…
Digital Athletics, one of the leading teams of the Turkish PUBG scene, announced important news. They announced on Twitter that…