HomeGaming WorldGTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 02.25-03.03.2021

GTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 02.25-03.03.2021

Rockstar Games announced the new weekly bonuses and discounts for GTA Online. Last week, we had bonuses on biker businesses, and this week, we will be occupied with the special cargo works. Besides that, there are discounts on some supercars. Here are the full advantages of this week.

Diamond Casino & Resort Podium Vehicle

This week, the Vapid FMJ will greet players when they enter the lobby of Diamond Casino & Resort. And of course, it won’t stay here like that. Players who win the vehicle reward on the lucky wheel can add FMJ to their collection. If you are not interested in the lucky wheel, you can buy this supercar from Legendary Motorsport for $1,750,000.

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As the rate of infant heart disease suggests, the power to weight ratio has never been America’s strong suit – until now. With the FMJ, Vapid put the American supercar on a raw food diet and gave it colonic irrigation. The result? With the same primal engine under bodywork that’s 90% carbon fiber and 10% patriotic sentiment, this thing will go 0 to 60 on the back of nothing more than a light sneeze.

Legendary Motorsport.

GTA Online Activities With Double/Triple Rewards

Just like last week, Rockstar offered bonus rewards on many activities, including fan-favorite Stunt Races, and Sumo. Also, Special Cargo sell missions are also paying out double rewards. Here are all activities with bonus rewards.

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  • Special Cargo sell missions – 2X GTA$ and RP
  • Stunt Races – 2X GTA$ and RP
  • Adversary Mode – Sumo – 2X GTA$ and RP
  • Adversary Mode – Sumo (Remix) – 2X GTA$ and  RP
  • Contact Mission – Simeon – 2X GTA$ and RP
  • DJ Request Missions – 2X GTA$ and RP

Time Trials

This week’s time trial parkour is Down Chiliad. If you finish the parkour under its par time of 54 seconds, you will earn $51,000. You can check out the GTA Series Videos’ walkthrough video below.

For remote-controlled car, RC Bandito, time trial parkour is Vespucci Canals with 1 minute and 53 seconds par time. If you pass through the last checkpoint under the par time, you will earn $101,000. For more guidance, you can watch the walkthrough video of the parkour below.

Discounted Contents

If we have to name this week with a DLC of GTA Online, it would be Finance and Felony. Because other than the bonus rewards on special cargo sell missions, the offices, cargo warehouses, and vehicle warehouses are on sale.

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  • Offices sell prices%50 discount
  • Offices renovation prices%50 discount
  • Vehicle Warehouses%50 discount
  • Garages%50 discount
  • Special Cargo Warehouses%25 discount

Legendary Motorsport Discounts

  • Grotti Furia%40 discount – Discounted price $1,644,000, trade + discounted price $1,233,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing The Diamond Casino Heist with the Big Con approach and using the Yung Ancestor disguise.
  • Annis S80RR – %40 discount – $1,545,000
  • Progen GP1 – %40 discount $756,000
  • Pegassi Zentorno – %40 discount – $435,000
  • Trufade Adder – %40 discount $600,000

Special GTA Online Bonuses / Contents

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Rockstar still adds new vehicles to GTA Online every week, and Weaponized Nagasaki Dinghy is the newest vehicle of the game. From now on, you can buy it from Warstock Cache & Carry for $1,850,000.

The vehicle added to the game last week was Dinka Verus. And you can still get it for free until the new announcement of weekly discounts.

And, yes, Rockstar also offers a new clothing item too. Players who sold a vehicle cargo this week will earn the Glow Shade. The shade will be added to your wardrobe in the following 72 hours after March 8.

GTA Online / Prime Gaming Benefits

GTA Online players, who connect their Social Club account with Prime Gaming will receive different benefits than normal players.

What To Do This Week?

This week is great for grinding special cargos. Or it’s the right time to sell every special cargo you have. Besides that, we have bonus rewards on some entertaining activities like Stunt Races and Sumo. So, if you want to have fun while earning some cash, these are the activities that you’re looking for.

For Beginners

The players with no money or a business should play the activities with bonus rewards. These missions will also teach you about the mechanics of the game. You can increase your driving skill by participating in Stunt Races. Besides Sumo activity, even Simeon missions are quite enjoyable.

If you have much-but-not-that-much money, think about buying an office. The office will grant you access to different businesses, like special cargos and vehicle cargos.

In the vehicle cargo business, a.k.a. Import/Export, you will legally/illegally acquire different types of cars. By doing some changes to vehicles, you will sell them to buyers. Don’t expect to earn the value of the car though, you will only get your commission from the sales. While you can earn a maximum of $100,000 per car, you will only sell another car after waiting for 15 minutes.

In the special cargo business, you will acquire different types of valuable cargo for your warehouses. You can acquire single, double, or triple cargo depending on your choice. When selling them, more cargo means more money. For example, selling 100 cargo at once will make you earn more money than selling 50 cargo at twice. So, try to fill all a warehouse before selling cargo. The large warehouses can hold 111 cargo, which means you have to complete 37 cargo source missions. When you fill it, its value will be $2,200,000 normally, but with the bonuses of this week, it will be $4,400,000, which means selling 5 warehouses worth of cargo will make you earn $22,000,000.

For Advanced Players

I don’t know about you, but I will be grinding for the special cargos. The choice is up to you, but I prefer earning a big amount of money at once. You can still grind for the Casino and Cayo Perico heists as you do.

What are your thought about this week, what do you suggest doing? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

Umut Arı
Umut Arı
gaming / hiphop enthusiast


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