HomeGaming WorldGTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 03.04-03.10.2021

GTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 03.04-03.10.2021

Rockstar Games announced new weekly updates for GTA Online. This week is not as good as the last week, because we won’t have good bonuses for the most profitable businesses.

The special cargo bonus last week was one of the best bonuses on GTA Online. And it’s obvious that we won’t see the same bonus for a few months. But, Rockstar Games announced a new bonus on a business, Air Freight Cargo. They are quite boring in my opinion, but if you like them, it’s time to grind it.

Here are the all bonuses of this week on GTA Online.

Diamond Casino & Resort Podium Vehicle

This week, the Bravado Verlierer (pronounced as fur-lee-rah) will be spinning on the podium of Diamond Casino & Resort. The car’s looking modern and classic at the same time, and that makes it one of the best-looking cars in the game. If you think you can’t win the car from the lucky wheel, you can also buy it from Legendary Motorsport for $695,000.

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The Verlierer has all the looks of a 60s roadster, with the added advantage of being able to drive around corners. Combining its sophisticated looks with tight handling and the forward momentum of a hungry leopard, the only thing getting in your way here is your lack of coordination and fear of becoming a road accident statistic.

Legendary Motorsport

GTA Online Activities With Double/Triple Rewards

Like we said, in terms of activities, there is no profitable bonus on this week’s bonuses. But there are seven activities that will reward participants more than before just for this week. One of them is Hidden Caches. You can find lots of cargos in the deep ocean of San Andreas. However, you need to have a vehicle with a sonar system on it, like Toreador, Avisa, or Sonar-upgraded Kosatka. Every real-life day, 10 caches will be revealed in the ocean, and every player can find them in the same place. Collecting one of them will reward players with $7,500 and 500 RP, but they are doubled this week. So, finding all of them in a day, you will earn $150,000 and 10,000 RP. There are 100 potential spots for Hidden Caches, and to guide you, you can see them in this post.

Treasure Chests

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Another activity with bonus rewards is the Treasure Chests that’s been released with the Cayo Perico update. Like Hidden Caches, Treasure Chests are daily collectibles. But there are some differences with it. The players can only find the chests in the Cayo Perico island. There are 19 possible locations to find them, but you can only find two of them in every real-life day. Collecting one of them will reward players with $15,000 and 1,000 RP. But with this week’s bonuses, they are also doubled. You have to start the Gather Intel mission to find and collect these chests. Also, you have to know that while one of the chests is located in the land, the other one will be always in the sea. You can check their potential locations from here.

Here are all the GTA Online activities with bonus rewards:

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  • Adversary Mode – Stockpile2X GTA$ and RP
  • Sea Races2X GTA$ and RP
  • Air Races2X GTA$ and RP
  • A Superyacht Life (missions that unlocked with buying a Super Galaxy Yacht) – 2X GTA$ and RP
  • Air Freight Cargo sell missions2X GTA$ and RP
  • Hidden Caches2X GTA$ and RP
  • Treasure Chests2X GTA$ and RP

Time Trials

This week’s time trail parkour is Elysian Island with 1 minute and 40 seconds par time. The players who complete parkour in the given time will be rewarded with $51,000. You can check out the walkthrough video of the parkour below.

For remote-controlled car, RC Bandito, the time trial parkour of the week is Power Station. The parkour’s par time is 1 minute and 45 seconds, and if you finish the parkour in this time, you will earn $101,000. You can also find the walkthrough video of that parkour below.

Discounted Contents

As you can guess from the activities, the discounted contents are mostly related to them. For example, there are bonus rewards on A Superyacht Life missions, and Galaxy Super Yacht is on sale. Another example is the discounts on Hangars sell price.

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  • Hangar sell price%60 discount

Warstock Cache & Carry Discounts

  • Mammoth Avenger, %40 discount$2,872,500$2,070,000
    • Avenger Vehicle Workshop%40 discount$453,000
    • Avenger Weapon Workshop%40 discount$147,000
  • Buckingham Akula, %40 discount – Discounted price $2,222,430, trade + discounted price $1,671,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing one of The Doomsday Heist mission, Server Farm as the heist leader.
  • Jobuilt P-996 LAZER%40 discount$3,900,000
  • FH-1 Hunter, %40 discount – Discounted price $2,473,800, trade + discounted price $1,860,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing Air Freight Cargo source missions 42 times.
  • Savage, %40 discount – Discounted price $1,556,100, trade + discounted price $1,170,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing one of the Pacific Standard Heist setups, Convoy, as the heist leader.

DockTease Discounts

  • Galaxy Super Yacht sell price%40 discount
    • Orion $3,000,000
    • Pisces$3,500,000
    • Aquarius$4,000,000

Legendary Motorsport Discounts

Special GTA Online Bonuses / Contents

Rockstar continues to add new cars to GTA Online as part of the Cayo Perico update. This week, the Grotti Brioso 300 is added to the catalog. You can buy the car from Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $610,000. However, if you completed a Cayo Perico Heist as the heist leader, you can buy it for $457,000.

The clothing item bonus is a little different from the usual this week. If you complete a Cayo Perico Heist until March 17th, you will get the Panic ProLaps Basketball Top. Also, if you steal any secondary targets in Cayo Perico Heist, you will also get the Panic ProLaps Basketball Shorts.

GTA Online / Prime Gaming Benefits

GTA Online players, who connect their Social Club account with Prime Gaming will receive different benefits than normal players.

  • $200.000 – For logging in to the game this week.
  • Free Sonar Station for the Kosatka submarine owners.
    • You have to open Warstock Cache & Carry website from your phone and renovate the submarine to get the upgrade.
  • HVY Barrage, %80 discount – Discounted price $424,270, trade + discounted price $319,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing The Doomsday Heist’s Setup: Barrage mission as the heist leader.
  • MTL Brickade%80 discount$222,000

What To Do This Week?

With that announcement, we understood that the last week’s bonuses (especially the Special Cargo bonus) were some of the best bonuses of the game. However, the sea races and air races are quite enjoyable, and if you love them, you have to play them more this week.

For Beginners

I can’t say there’s a good bonus for the players who start playing recently or players who are poor. Maybe you think that it’s a good idea to start your Air Freight business, but I don’t recommend that. The missions are kind of boring and no matter if there’s a bonus or not, I feel like I don’t get paid enough by completing them. But, thinking about the discounts on Hangars, it’s a good idea to buy one. At least, you will have storage for your aircraft in the future, and moreover, when you buy a Nightclub, you can also earn some passive income from your Hangar.

The bonus on Treasure Chests might be attractive, but you have to own a Kosatka to start the Cayo Perico Heist missions. But the bonus on Hidden Caches might be good for you if you have a friend who has a vehicle with a sonar system. Every day, the same Hidden Caches will be available for every GTA Online player. So, you can go and hunt the caches with your friend. But to be honest, if you have friends like this, the best idea is completing the Cayo Perico Heist or Diamond Casino Heist.

For Advanced Players

Do you own a Nightclub, but don’t have any Hangar? Just go and buy a Hangar located in Fort Zancudo. You can create more goods for your Nightclub if you have a Hangar. Also, if you think about flexing the money you earned from last week’s Special Cargo bonus, why don’t you buy a Galaxy Super Yacht? It’s very useless and very expansive, the perfect thing to flex with.

If you are looking for something to earn money from, just continue the heists that you gave a break last week because of the Special Cargos.

Umut Arı
Umut Arı
gaming / hiphop enthusiast


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