Riot Games continues to bring new changes and new features to the League of Legends, with patch 11.13. This patch will arrive on July 8.
Compared to the previous patch notes, the changes and new features that will come with this patch are more remarkable. The most noticeable thing in this patch is the update to Irelia and Lillia. Riot Games plans to bring significant buffs to Lillia after she continued to fall out of sight. These changes are perfect for keeping Lillia in the jungle. In addition, there are some balance changes and new skins. Here are all the updates, new skins and more that will come to the game with patch 11.14!
Lillia changes in League of Legends patch 11.14!
Base Stats
Armor increased from 20 to 22
Health regeneration lowered from 9.0/5 to 7.5/5
Passive: Dream-Laden Bough
New effect: Lilia heals 18-120(+1.5%AP) HP over the duration against large monsters, and 12-189(+6%) AP against champions. However, Lilia can only heal off one monster at a time.
Damage increased from 5% of max health to 6% + 1.5%/100 AP of max health. Monster cap remains unchanged.
Heal is 33% more effective for each additional source.
Q: Blooming Blows
Mana cost increased from 45 to 65
Move Speed max stacks lowered from 5 to 4
Move Speed per stack lowered from 7/8/9/10/11 + 1%/100 AP to 3/4/5/6/7 + 3%/100 AP
Stack falloff time increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds
Move speed duration increased from 5 to 5.5 seconds
Cooldown increased from 4 to 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
Base damage increased from 30/45/60/75/90 to 35/50/65/80/95
W: Watch Out! Eep!
Damage increased from 70/85/100/115/130 + 30% AP to 70/90/110/130/150 + 35% AP
[REMOVED] Lillia no longer damage the minions more than her 50% AP
E: Swirlseed
Cooldown increased from 12 to 18 seconds
Slow increased from 25/30/35/40/45 to 40%
Damage increased from 70/90/110/130/150 to 90/95/120/145/190
R: Lilting Lullaby
Damage AP Ratio increased from 30% to 40%
Sleep Duration lowered from 2/2.5/3 to 1.5/2/2.5
Initial Drowsy Slow reduced from 25% to 10%
Slow increase per 0.25 seconds lowered from 5% to 0
After the deer girl, there will also be an update for Irelia. Riot Pholox posted an image on her Twitter account saying Irelia would undergo a mini update. You can reach the Tweet by clicking here. In addition to this mini-update, some of Irelia’s basic stats will also change. Here is the image riot Pholox shared:
Irelia changes in LoL patch 11.14
Base stats
Health lowered from 580 to 520
Magic resist lowered from 32 to 28
HP per level increased from 95 to 110
Passive: Ionian Fervor
Max passive stacks lowered from 5 to 4
Attack speed per stack lowered from [8/12/16% based on level] to [7.5/13.75/20% based on level]
Damage lowered from [15-66 (+25% bonus AD)] to [10-61 (30% bonus AD)]
Q: Bladesurge
Dash sped changed from [movement speed +1500] to [significantly reduced]
Minion damage changed from [55/75/95/115/135] to [55+12 per level]
W: Defiant Dance
Damage reduction changed from [50% (7% per 100 AP) physical] to [40-80% Physical and 20-40% Magic damage reduction levels 1-18 (+7% per 100 AP)]
Max Damage increased from [20/50/80/110/140 (+100% AD)(+80%AP) to [30/95160/225/290 (150% AD) (120% AP)]
E: Flawless Duet
Missile travel time changed from [based on distance] to [0.25s]
Cannot be recast while CC’d
R: Vanguard’s Edge
[NEW PASSIVE]: Decrease Q cooldown by 0.5/1.5/2.5s before Haste
Irelia and Lillia’s updates haven’t been finalized yet. As Riot Pholox said, it can undergo a number of changes after that these updates come to servers.
Champion Balances With the 11.14 Patch
Q can no longer be cast during E.
R minimum damage 75 ⇒ 215, max damage 225-645 ⇒ 180-600.
Passive bonus attack damage 20-205 ⇒ 30-230.
E cooldown 26-18 ⇒ 24-14.
Q move speed 30% ⇒ 35-45%.
Attack damage 66 ⇒ 68.
Move speed 340 ⇒ 350.
E shield 80-200 ⇒ 80-220.
Attack damage 54 ⇒ 51.
Health 537 ⇒ 510.
Q ability power ratio 0.65 ⇒ 0.55.
Passive is now 50% effective on minions.
Unburrowed Q damage per hit 20-40 ⇒ 21-45, burrowed Q damage 60-180 ⇒ 60-200.
That’s all the information we’ve had so far. As we have said before, these balance changes and updates may change before the patch arrives to the main game.
When Will the League of Legends 11.14 Patch Arrive?