Exclusive News

Esports organizations published a message of support to Ukraine!Esports organizations published a message of support to Ukraine!

Esports organizations published a message of support to Ukraine!

During the day, after the news of Russia's attack on Ukraine, many esports organizations published a message of support to…

3 years ago
NAVI has been accused of breaking fair play principles at IEM Katowice 2022!NAVI has been accused of breaking fair play principles at IEM Katowice 2022!

NAVI has been accused of breaking fair play principles at IEM Katowice 2022!

After their match versus FURIA at IEM Katowice 2022, NAVI was criticized by the CS:GO community after Perfecto buy M249.

3 years ago
ESL bans American player for making offensive comments in-game chatESL bans American player for making offensive comments in-game chat

ESL bans American player for making offensive comments in-game chat

ESL has announced it has banned Valors player Matthew "nero" Seymour from all tournaments for 3 weeks for using "disrespectful…

3 years ago
Legend CS:GO Professional pashaBiceps won his MMA debutLegend CS:GO Professional pashaBiceps won his MMA debut

Legend CS:GO Professional pashaBiceps won his MMA debut

Jarosaw "pashaBiceps" Jarzbkowski, a Counter-Strike icon, is now a pro MMA fighter in addition to being a distinguished esports celebrity…

3 years ago
One Esports: The Growth of SEA EsportsOne Esports: The Growth of SEA Esports

One Esports: The Growth of SEA Esports

Southeast Asia's (SEA) esports and mobile esports scene is growing at an immense pace. While the events held in this…

3 years ago
Elraenn Made a Statement on Twitch Bit Scam Controversy!Elraenn Made a Statement on Twitch Bit Scam Controversy!

Elraenn Made a Statement on Twitch Bit Scam Controversy!

Tuğkan “Elraenn” Gönültaş, one of the most-watched Turkish streamers, talked about Twitch Bit Scam controversy in his live stream on…

3 years ago
Twitch Rivals Partnered With Crypto.com!Twitch Rivals Partnered With Crypto.com!

Twitch Rivals Partnered With Crypto.com!

Twitch Rivals, the tournament series held by live-streaming platform Twitch, has announced a partnership with Crypto.com. https://twitter.com/cryptocom/status/1455883516785283076?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1455883516785283076%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.esportimes.com%2Ftr%2Ftwitch-rivals-crypto-com-ile-ortakliklarini-duyurdu%2F The multi-year partnership…

3 years ago
Jahrein & Team Rekkitz Are Leaving Twitch!Jahrein & Team Rekkitz Are Leaving Twitch!

Jahrein & Team Rekkitz Are Leaving Twitch!

One of the biggest Twitch streamers in Turkey, Ahmet "Jahrein" Sonuç and seven other streamers gathered under the roof of…

3 years ago
Riot Games Turkey Made a Statement on Twitch Bit Scam!Riot Games Turkey Made a Statement on Twitch Bit Scam!

Riot Games Turkey Made a Statement on Twitch Bit Scam!

Riot Games Turkey manager Erdinç İyikul, made a statement about the Twitch Bit Scam controversy on his Twitter account. Everyone…

3 years ago
cNed’s Brother deNc Involved in Turkish Bit Scam Scandal?cNed’s Brother deNc Involved in Turkish Bit Scam Scandal?

cNed’s Brother deNc Involved in Turkish Bit Scam Scandal?

Alihan “deNc” İpek, the brother of Acend VALORANT player Mehmet Yağız “cNed” İpek, got involved in the Turkish Twitch Bit…

3 years ago