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Tag: faze clan


FaZe Clan signed with “Ropz”!

World-renowned esports club FaZe Clan has signed with 22-year-old pro gamer Robin “ropz” Kool. Ending his 4.5-year adventure with MOUZ, "ropz" upset his fans....

FaZe Clan Sends ZachaREEE to the Bench!

ZachaREEE, in a statement on Twitter, stated that the decision to send him a bench was mutual with FaZe Clan. The player mentioned that...

FaZe Clan Dives in to Crypto With MoonPay

North American esports organization FaZe Clan has announced MoonPay as the official Crypto and NFT partner. The partners will collaborate on a range of...

FaZe Clan Set to Go Public!

Esports organization and gaming lifestyle company FaZe Clan announced a merger with B. Riley Principal 150 Merger Corp. and its intention to be a...

TSM Gets a Huge Win At VCT 2021: NA!

VCT 2021: North America 3rd Stage 2nd Qualifiers are over. TSM, who beat FaZe Clan with a score of 3-1, became the champion! https://twitter.com/valesports_na/status/1421959697351905281?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1421959697351905281%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-782156469462298338.ampproject.net%2F2107170150000%2Fframe.html The first...