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Tag: gaming news

Valve Sued Over Steam Monopoly Accusation

The lawsuit between Epic and Apple continues to affect the gaming industry dramatically. The case in question has sparked controversy over what falls within...

Xbox Console Sales Never Made a Profit

The ongoing lawsuit between Epic Games and Apple continues to reveal interesting information about the gaming industry. This time, Microsoft confirmed that Xbox console...

Blizzard Continues to Lose Its Players

Activision Blizzard reported that Blizzard saw 27 million monthly active users in the first quarter of 2021. This means that, 2 million players were...
epic store 2020 review

Find Out How Much Epic Paid For Some Exclusives & Free...

The lawsuit between Epic and Apple keeps giving us some juicy industry news. This time, thanks to some shared documents, we learned how much...

Sony Announces a Partnership With Discord

Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that they have partnered up with Discord. The main purpose of this partnership will be to bring the Discord experience...