HomeGamesCounter StrikeD13 Moves to Turkey To Have Lower Ping!

D13 Moves to Turkey To Have Lower Ping!

Enkhmanlai “⁠world⁠” Batbayar the manager of the Mongolian team D13 was impressed by the low ping while playing in an internet cafe in Istanbul. Which is why he brought his team to Turkey.

Actually, this interesting story begins with Enkhmanlai “⁠world⁠” Batbayar’s holiday in Turkey. Batbayar, who is the owner, manager, main investor, coach of the team, went to an internet cafe in Istanbul. There he had the opportunity to experience CS:GO. After this experience, he hastily decided to move his team to Istanbul.

Enkhmanlai “⁠world⁠” Batbayar also talked about his motivation for making this decision:

“I went to Turkey for vacation in late July, and I saw this internet café. There was a guy who was playing CS:GO with 40 ping, so I asked what server he was playing on, and he said Germany. At that moment, I realized we could move here, because we don’t need visas to enter Turkey. I discussed it with my teammates, and they all happily agreed to come here”

After this situation, the team flew to Istanbul and everything happened very quickly. In fact, the whole team was ready to leave at least 1 year behind for the sake of their dreams.

Actually the team didn’t make this decision overnight. The team’s goals were to get representation in Europe for a while. But Mongolia ping of more than 100 was not suitable for this at all. Therefore, the biggest need of the team had become low ping. Because all team members felt highly motivated to be successful.

Because despite everything, they managed to beat the ESEA Open in early 2021 by playing with a ping of over 100. They’ve also been competing on the Main for the past few seasons. However, they made this risky and bold move to further the ranks and become a legitimate power on the Mongol side in Europe.

“Coming to Turkey is like a dream!”

The second youngest member of the team, 18-year-old Enkhbat “xerolte” Munkhtogtokh, could not hide his excitement and made the following statements:

“I still can’t believe I’m here in Turkey. I’ve never even been overseas, so I was pretty excited to bootcamp in Turkey. It was like a dream, and it happened so fast, we made our decisions in like a week. We only came yesterday and our bootcamp apartment was almost all ready, it was a surprise for all of us.”

There are other very important details behind this sudden, bold and perhaps impulsive act. This reckless organization does not receive any financial support in doing so. So they don’t have a sponsor and Batbayar, who is everything to the team, pays all the expenses out of his pocket. He generates this income from an online store that he now has to manage remotely.

Enkhmanlai “⁠world⁠” Batbayar is not at all bothered about carrying so much responsibility on his own shoulders. He even emphasizes that he and his team are ready and motivated to fulfill their responsibilities. He states that he is aware that his organization is small, but he believes they can succeed. Because according to him, getting to know the European scene is the most important job. Stating that they are aware that they are nothing yet, Batbayar states that they will change this situation.

The first goal of the team here is to stay in Turkey for 1 year. Because they have the right of residence for a maximum of 1 year without a visa. Therefore, they should raise additional funds and resolve the visa issue while seizing the opportunity for low ping. The team is also considering going to Latvia towards the end of 2021. However, if this does not happen, the worst possibility is to continue to stay in Turkey. Therefore, they will try to do their best in any case.

D13 Has A Very Different Roster And Energy

Especially xerolte expresses its motivation and enthusiasm about this situation at every opportunity. Regarding the situation, he adds the following to his previous words:

“Honestly, I want to participate in at least one top-tier tournament to play with the big boys. Playing with 130+ ping to Europe from Mongolia has been hard, but it’s much more manageable in Turkey. I’m super happy now. I’m ready for a challenge to play against any European teams.”

As a matter of fact, it is clear that the Mongolian team is far from successful. Because the squad is at a very low skill level compared to the professional teams of Europe. In addition, the fact that the team is the only Asian team may make them a reason for preference for the organizers. This way, they can get one step closer to their chance to compete with strong European teams.

After losing their star Tengis “sk0R” Batjargal in June, they will be counting on their fellow players in their European adventures. sk0R, who persistently rejected offers especially in the international arena, regretted this decision after a while. In the end, he left his team, for which he did not even get paid for a long time.

The 22-year-old AWP user Tuvshintugs “Annihilation” Nyamdorj has been a standout member of D13 since joining in early 2020 and is a player to watch out for.

The rest of the roster are longtime members Telmen “Shinobi” Batzorig, the oldest of the group, and in-game leader Munkhtamir “Tamir” Ganbaatar. In addition, 18-year-old xerolte and 16-year-old Yalalt “yAmi” Oyunbileg are the young talents of the team.

Although the newly formed team seemed insufficient in terms of experience, they still took the risk of a great struggle. For this reason, it is necessary to appreciate their courage in the first place. Because ping values, which are a big problem for most Turkish teams, are seen as a great opportunity for them. Considering this situation, we can say that their development and struggles on this path will be worth watching. As always, time will tell what their fate will be!

Turan Erdoğan
Turan Erdoğan
Reader, avid movie fan and semi-hardcore gamer. Nice to meet you!


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