Futbolist announced their Valorant team with a surprise announcement. Futbolist added the whole LOL team, who has won several tournaments including the Valorant tournament of ESL Gaming Fest 2020.
Salih ‘marqnue‘ Onaran
İbrahim ‘mag0o‘ Temizel
Buğra ‘mojj‘ Kiraz
Ufuk ‘SasuKe‘ Göktaş
Emre ‘STERBEN‘ Demirci
Welcome. We are ready.
Getting more and more popular in the Valorant esport stage day by day, LOL has won 3,416 $ prize. Other than their INTEL ESL Gaming Fest 2020 championship, they have also attended Valorant Contenders Cup; and finished the tournament in the 6th place by losing against FunPlus Phoenix as Europe’s second best team. Futbolist added this team to their group and announced their team for Valorant.
Futbolist Valorant Team:
- Salih ‘marqnue‘ Onaran
- İbrahim ‘mag0o‘ Temizel
- Buğra ‘mojj‘ Kiraz
- Ufuk ‘SasuKe‘ Göktaş
- Emre ‘STERBEN‘ Demirci
As the Esport Times team, we wish success in advance to the Futbolist Valorant team for the torunaments they will attend.