HomeGaming WorldGTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 03.25-03.31.2021

GTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 03.25-03.31.2021

Like they do every Thursday, Rockstar Games announced the new week’s GTA Online bonuses. They are offering us enjoyable weeks for a while, and still doing it. This week, we have some bonuses on biker works. And as you can guess, the discounts are also about the bikes. So, the code name of the week is Biker Week.

Last week, we had double rewards on Arena War events, and this week, Rockstar wants us to do some biker works. Also, the futuristic bike event, Deadline, is offering double rewards. Besides that, the podium car of the week is Pegassi Osiris.

Here are the every announcement of this week in GTA Online:

Diamond Casino & Resort Podium Vehicle

Diamond Casino & Resort, the place of the lucky players, gives players a chance to win a free vehicle every week. And the car you will see in the lobby is Pegassi Osiris. All you have to do is spin the lucky wheel and push your luck to earn the vehicle reward. If you think that you can’t do it or couldn’t earn Osiris, there’s no need to worry. You can also buy the car from Legendary Motorsport for $1,950,000.

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Osiris drivers boast the shortest average life expectancy of any consumer demographic of America. They live, briefly, in a world of bygone opulence and hyper-modern engineering. The 0.3 seconds between leaving the showroom and arriving at their first corner are the most exhilarating blur in their short, short lives. Only the stupidly rich need to sign up to the waiting list.

Legendary Motorsport

GTA Online Activities With Double/Triple Rewards

The only thing that made the last week an enjoyable one was the bonus rewarded activities. We are also calling this week an enjoyable one too, but the reason is not the activities. We are saying it because of the theme of the week. Just like you do, we were also expecting a bonus on the biker businesses. But instead of the businesses, Rockstar is offering bonus rewards on biker works, the missions that you can participate in from Interaction Menu. Besides that, there are bonuses on Clubhouse Contracts, Club Challenges, Deadline, and many more.

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  • Adversary Mode – Deadline2X GTA$ and RP
  • MC Works2X GTA$ and RP
  • Clubhouse Contracts2X GTA$ and RP
  • Club Challenges2X GTA$ and RP
  • Bodyguard / Associate Payouts2X GTA$ and RP

Time Trials

This week’s time trial parkour is Vinewood Hills with 2 minutes and 35 seconds par time. If you can complete it under the par time, you will earn $51,000. To guide you, you can watch the walkthrough video from GTA Series Videos below.

The parkour for the remote-controlled vehicle, RC Bandito, is Cemetery. If you can go to the last checkpoint in under 1 minute and 20 seconds, the $101,000 reward will be yours. You can also check the video below to learn the route of the parkour.

Discounted Contents

Another benefit of Biker Week is seeing discounts on every bike-type vehicle of the game. Because all of them are forty per cent discounted. Plus, the headquarters of the biker businesses, MC Clubhouses, are also discounted.

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Property / Business Disounts

  • MC Clubhouse sell prices%35 discount
  • MC Clubhouse renovation prices %35 discount

Legendary Motorsport Discounts

  • Nagasaki Stryder, %40 discount – Discounted price $402,000, trade + discounted price $301,500
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing The Diamond Casino Heist as the heist leader and using Stryder as the getaway vehicle.
  • Western Rampant Rocket%40 discount$555,000
  • Nagasaki Shotaro%40 discount$1,335,000
  • BF Raptor%40 discount – – %40 discount$388,800
  • Dinka Vindicator%40 discount$378,000
  • Principe Lectro, %40 discount – Discounted price $589,500, trade + discounted price $450,000
    • Trade price will be unlocked after completing The Pacific Standard Job.

Warstock Cache & Carry Discounts

Elitás Travel Discount

  • Nagasaki Ultralight, %40 discount – Discounted price $598,500, trade + discounted price $450,000
    • You can unlock the trade price after completing Air Freight Cargo Source missions 3 times.

Special GTA Online Bonuses / Contents

Rockstar is not announcing new vehicles as part of the Cayo Perico update for recent weeks, and they might likely have already launched every vehicle of update. Because, for a few weeks, we only see some clothing items in the special contents section.

Cobble Denim Biker

As part of Biker Week, Rockstar offers us free biker jackets. But you can’t acquire these jackets by logging into the game. You have to go to the clothing shops in San Andreas and get them one by one. Here are the free biker jackets:

  • Sand Denim Biker
  • Worn Ox Blood Blouson Jacket
  • Cobble Denim Biker
  • Indigo Denim Biker
  • Washed Patched Denim Biker
  • Contrast Camo Denim Biker
  • Washed Denim Biker
  • Black Blouson Jacket
Black Principe Hoodie

Besides those jackets, the players will also get another free clothing item. If you log into GTA Online until March 31st, you will add Black Principe Hoodie to your wardrobe.

GTA Online / Prime Gaming Benefits

GTA Online players, who connect their Social Club account with Prime Gaming will receive different benefits than normal players. The players with Prime Gaming accounts will be rewarded with $200,000 for login bonus, free Sonar Station upgrade for Kosatka, and discounts on Western Company SeabreezeSparrow, and Kraken Avisa.

  • $200.000 – For logging in to the game this week.
  • Free Sonar Station for the Kosatka submarine owners.
    • You have to open Warstock Cache & Carry website from your phone and renovate the submarine to get the upgrade.
  • Western Company Seabreeze%80 discount – Discounted price $226,100, trade + discounted price $170,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing Air Freight Cargo Source missions 36 times.
  • Sparrow – %35 discount – $1,179,750
  • Kraken Avisa – %35 discount – $1,004,250

What To Do This Week?

Rockstar disappointed us by not adding bonus rewards for MC Businesses, while it’s called Biker Week. But that doesn’t mean the other events are not enjoyable.

Deadline is one of the most entertaining activities of GTA Online. The most attractive bike of the game, Shotaro, will be with us in this Tron-like world. The game mode has elements of both classic races and the classic snake game (or snake,io).

For Beginners

This week, again, we can’t suggest a profitable activity or work to do. If you need money desperately, give it a try to Deadline. Or you can offer VIPs, CEOs, or Presidents of your lobbies to work with them. By that, you will learn the future missions that you will do and take advantage of the payout bonus.

If you have some money and thinking about using it as an investment, buy a Clubhouse while they have discounts because this property is the key property to enter the most illicit businesses of GTA Online. The MC Businesses will be your best friend when you own them. Don’t worry about the location or the price of the clubhouses, buy the one you like.

For Advanced Players

While regular players have lots of fun from GTA Online, we, the grinders, are the only community that Rockstar forgot to offer anything. The last bonus we had fun with was the Special Cargo bonus. From that week, we are literally on our own when it’s about grinding some money. But if you are bored by working hard, play some Deadline, so you have fun, and earn some money even it won’t be that much.

Yes, it kind of became a boring thing to do, but, we will continue to complete The Cayo Perico Heist. Last week, we tried to motivate you by challenging you to do a Cayo Perico Heist speedrun. And I feel like I have to motivate some of you again. Did you memorize every word of our #1 guy, the “kapitan” of our Kosatka, Pavel? If your answer is no, then do it! Plus, if you can’t guess the upcoming sentence after your second run, complete the heist one more time!

Umut Arı
Umut Arı
gaming / hiphop enthusiast


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