HomeGaming WorldGTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 05.06-05.12.2021

GTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 05.06-05.12.2021

Rockstar Games have announced GTA Online discounts and bonuses that will be available this week. Last week’s Motor Wars bonus continues. There are also advantages in MOC missions and sell and renovation prices. The podium car of the week is Vapid Winky.

As every week, we have listed all the contents for you and gave you some advice in the latest section. You can also access the GTAWiki pages by clicking on the names of the vehicles.

Diamond Casino & Resort Podium Vehicle

Vapid Winky is the car that will welcome players to Diamond Casino & Resort this week. The vehicle, which was added to the game with the Cayo Perico Heist update, is on the podium for the first time. So the players were a little surprised that the car was on the podium. Turn the lucky wheel and try your luck to win the vehicle. If you don’t win the car this week, you can buy it anytime. Warstock Cache & Carry is selling it for $1,100,000. And if you’ve done the Gather Intel mission, the first mission of The Cayo Perico Heist, the price of the vehicle drops to $825,000.

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The 1945 Winky is the ideal addition to anyone’s collection of war memorabilia. Just picture it in your mancave, next to your curated collection of bayonets, and unexploded grenades. Of course, it’s still functional, but you’re not actually going to charge into combat with it… Are you?

Warstock Cache & Carry

GTA Online Activities With Double/Triple Rewards

Rockstar has been a little stingy this week when it comes to bonus activity. They have already announced last week that the Motor Wars event will give triple rewards until June. In addition, only Mobile Operations Center missions are giving double awards.

gta online
  • Adversary Mode – Motor Wars3X GTA$ and RP
  • Mobile Operations Center Missions2X GTA$ and RP

Time Trials

This week’s time trial is Lake Vinewood Estates. The completion time of the route, which is considerably short, is 1 minute and 26 seconds. If you complete it within this period, your $51,000 reward will be in your bank account. Check out the video below from GTA Series Videos to learn the course.

The course for the remote-controlled car, RC Bandito, is Construction Site II. If you complete it under par time 1 minute and 12 seconds, you will be rewarded with $101,000. You can also watch the guide video of the community’s beloved YouTuber GTA Series Videos to learn the course.

Discounted Content

The discounted content is extremely satisfying this week. Rockstar offered bonuses on MOC missions and also discounted the price of the vehicle. In addition, the cost of Mk II weapon upgrades, and supply prices of Bunker are also on sale.

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Property / Business Discounts

  • Bunker resupply prices%50 discount

Warstock Cache & Carry Discounts

Weapon Discounts

  • Mk II weapon upgrade prices – – %50 discount
    • You can upgrade your weapons in Weapon Workshops.

Special GTA Online Bonuses / Content

MOC Missions are having an impact here, too. We said the vehicle is on sale and paying double rewards in its missions. Rockstar is also offering another special bonus. If you complete any MOC Mission by the end of May 12, you will earn $100,000.

Also, the players will add Invade and Persuade Tee to their collection when they log into the game this week.

Last week, Rockstar offered another award for high-level players. There’s another bonus like this too. GTA Online players in Rank 100 and above will get Pink & Green Livery for HVY Nightshark for free. Also, remember that you can add this decoration to your vehicle in a Weaponized Vehicle Workshop.

GTA Online / Prime Gaming Benefits

GTA Online players, who connect their Social Club account with Prime Gaming will receive different benefits than normal players. The players with Prime Gaming accounts will be rewarded with $200,000 for login bonus, free Sonar Station upgrade for Kosatka, and discounts on Brute Armored BoxvilleDewbauchee JB 700W, and Nagasaki Weaponized Dinghy.

  • $200.000 – For logging in to the game this week.
  • Free Sonar Station for the Kosatka submarine owners.
    • You have to open Warstock Cache & Carry website from your phone and renovate the submarine to get the upgrade.
  • Brute Armored Boxville, %70 discount – Discounted price $877,800, trade + discounted price $660,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing the vehicle’s Special Vehicle Work mission.
  • Dewbauchee JB 700W%70 discount$441,000
  • Nagasaki Weaponized Dinghy%35 discount$1,202,500

What To Do This Week?

Although it is not as nice as the sell mission bonus, it is better not to miss the resupply discount in Bunker. We spent a lot of time on Bunkers last week. But leaving them because the week is over doesn’t seem like a good idea, at least for this week. Buy the supplies while they are on sale. You can also check out our Bunker Guide to learn or remember sell missions.

For Beginners

The Motor Wars bonus will be with us for another three weeks, so if you get bored, leave it to be. If you have some money, make sure to buy a MOC. MOC is one of the most durable and useful vehicles. If you don’t renovate, it might seem useless. So try to get upgrades as well. The missions it provides are quite fun in general.

For Advanced Players

We don’t have anything for us again this week, so we’re still doing The Cayo Perico Heist. To increase your earnings somewhat, maybe you can buy supplies for your Bunker. Also, if you haven’t got the MOC upgrades, now’s the time.

Umut Arı
Umut Arı
gaming / hiphop enthusiast


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