HomeEsportsMSI 2021 Location Is Finally Confirmed!

MSI 2021 Location Is Finally Confirmed!

According to LoL Esports Twitter page, MSI 2021 going to be held in Reykjavik, Iceland between 6-22 May. The tournament will be held in Laugardalshöll Stadium, which can host 5,500 people.

MSI 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19. After most countries went into lockdown mode, the only tournament to be held face-to-face was the 2020 World Championship. Participants of the tournament will be quarantined as soon as they land in Iceland. Participants must show their negative COVID test papers before and after the flight. Finally, participants will stay in quarantine for five to six days.

In the first stage of the tournament, twelve teams will be divided into three separate groups. The top two teams from each group will able to qualify for the second stage. In the second stage, the teams compete with each other using the round-robin format. Only four teams shall advance to the last stage. The last stage consists of two semi-finals and one final.

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Ata Camkıran
24 yaşındayım, Atılım Üniversitesi ve her zaman hayalim olan Mütercim-Tercümanlık bölümünden mezun oldum. Film, dizi ve oyunlarda distopya teması her zaman favorim olmuştur. Reddit ve Wiki sayfalarında yeni şeyler öğrenip keşfetmekten hiç bir zaman sıkılmam.


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