HomeGaming WorldGTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 04.22-04.28.2021

GTA Online Weekly Bonuses And Advices 04.22-04.28.2021

Rockstar Games shared the fourth GTA Online update of this month. There’s no good content compared to other weeks, but the week is not that bad. With bonuses, Stunt Races will reward double, and Casino Missions will reward triple money and RP. In addition, Annis RE-7B is posing on the podium of Diamond Casino & Resort. And we saved the best for the last. The diamonds came back to the casino’s vault exclusively for this week.

As every week, we have listed all the contents for you and gave you some advice in the latest section. You can also access the GTAWiki pages by clicking on the names of the vehicles.

Diamond Casino & Resort Podium Vehicle

A pretty impressive car will be waiting for us at Diamond Casino & Resort this week. Until next Thursday, Annis RE-7B will be on the podium in the lobby. Its sharp details and superior performance make this car favorite of some players. Every 24 hours, you can spin the lucky wheel in the hall to win this vehicle. If you can’t get the car, you can always buy it from Legendary Motorsport for $2,475,000.

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Fresh from baffling onlookers across the GT circuit, the experimental prototype from Annis is now on limited commercial sale. In a revolutionary design process, Japan’s finest artisans, engineers, aeronautics experts, martial artists and chefs have come together to product a seamless extension of your delusions of edginess and accomplishment.

Legendary Motorsport

GTA Online Activities With Double/Triple Rewards

This week players will have different bonuses. The most notable of them is definitely the diamonds. As you know, The Diamond Casino Heist offers different types of targets. The most valuable of them are diamonds. They’re faster to steal and worth more. These diamonds, which only come out on special occasions, will be in the game this week. By finishing or canceling your current The Diamond Casino Heist, you have a chance to see the diamonds in the safe when you start the new one.

Moreover, Stunt Races give players twice the reward. Agatha Baker, one of the managers of the casino, is also ready to reward triple times to the players who helped her in Casino Missions.

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  • The Diamond Casino HeistDiamonds (Returning content)
  • Stunt Races2X GTA$ and RP
  • Casino Missions3X GTA$ and RP

Time Trials

Pillbox Hill is the time trial route of this week. Players who complete the course under 2 minutes and 16 seconds will receive $51,000. You can watch the video below to get more information about it.

Rockstar chose Davis Quartz for the time trial route for the remote-controlled vehicle, RC Bandito. Its par time is 1 minute and 32 seconds, and if you complete the racetrack under that, you will receive $101,000. Check out the video below for more information about the completion of the course.

Discounted Content

This week’s discounts are predominantly on fast vehicles. But, of course, there are different discounts too. Players who want to buy a penthouse from Diamond Casino & Resort are lucky this week. Also, those who purchase a penthouse but cannot add decorations can benefit from discounts on decorations.

Property / Business Discounts

  • Diamond Casino & Resort Penthouse sell price%40 discount
    • Renovation prices%40 discount
    • Decoration prices%50 discount
      • You can buy new stuff for your penthouse from the lobby of Diamond Casino & Resort.

Legendary Motorsport Discounts

  • Pegassi Torero%40 discount$698,600
  • Grotti Itali GTO%40 discount$1,179,000
  • Lampadati Komoda, %40 discount – Discounted price $1,020,000, trade + discounted price $765,000
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing The Diamond Casino Heist as the heist leader and using Komoda as the getaway vehicle.
  • Nagasaki Stryder, %40 discount – Discounted price $402,000, trade + discounted price $301,500
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing The Diamond Casino Heist as the heist leader and using Stryder as the getaway vehicle.

Southern San Andreas Super Autos Discounts

  • Maxwell Vagrant, %40 discount – Discounted price $1,328,400, trade + discounted price $996,300
    • You can unlock the trade price by completing The Diamond Casino Heist as the heist leader and using Vagrant as the getaway vehicle.

Special GTA Online Bonuses / Content

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As you know, the excitement of Formula 1 has begun. Max Verstappen won the second race of the 2021 Season, the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix. Maybe Rockstar wants to get involved in this and added a bonus for that. Players participating in Open Wheel Races, the GTA Online version of Formula 1, will win an Open Wheel Sponsor Tee. All you have to do is take part in one Open Wheel Race by April 28th.

GTA Online / Prime Gaming Benefits

GTA Online players, who connect their Social Club account with Prime Gaming will receive different benefits than normal players. The players with Prime Gaming accounts will be rewarded with $200,000 for login bonus, free Sonar Station upgrade for Kosatka, and discounts on Pfister Comet SafariGrotti GT500, and Pegassi Zorrusso.

  • $200.000 – For logging in to the game this week.
  • Free Sonar Station for the Kosatka submarine owners.
    • You have to open Warstock Cache & Carry website from your phone and renovate the submarine to get the upgrade.
  • Pfister Comet Safari%80 discount$142,000
  • Grotti GT500%40 discount$157,000
  • Pegassi Zorrusso%35 discount$577,500

What To Do This Week?

Unfortunately, there is no profitable bonus this week. But if you’re an Arcade owner, maybe you can spend this week stealing diamonds. Usually, the heist has three different targets. These are cash, paintings, and gold. When you go to the vault on a mission, one of these targets is in the vault. Of course, the prices of these valuables, which have six slots in total, are different. All the cash worth $2,115,000, the paintings worth $2,350,000, and all the gold worth $2,585,000. But this week, diamonds are among those targets. All of the six slots of diamonds will worth $3,619,000. So you can share that money by playing with a friend. The heist is pretty fast to play, so if you’re above average, you can steal all the diamonds.

For Beginners

You can hang out any way you want this week. There is no nice bonus that you can benefit from, nor a task we recommend you to do. Of course, Casino Missions are giving out triple rewards, and that’s pretty appealing. However, most of the time, you can’t find many players who prefer to do those missions. It’s worth checking your in-game phone from time to time while you hang out. Maybe you can suddenly get an invitation to a Casino Mission.

For Advanced Players

This week is going to be very interesting for us. Usually, The Cayo Perico Heist is our breadwinner. However, with the diamonds returning this week, things will get a little spicy. So, which one makes more money, completing Cayo Perico on our own, or completing it with a friend, or stealing diamonds from the casino with a friend?

Cayo Perico – Solo

Let’s examine all three options for you. Let’s say the primary target in Cayo Perico is Pink Diamond, the best one. In hard mode, it will pay $1,430,000. If you add the cash in the safe to that money, it makes like $1,500,000. You’re unlikely to steal the gold on your own. But if you fill your bag by stealing enough cocaine from the island’s bunkers, it’ll add $450,000 to payout. So the Cayo Perico Heist will save you up to $2,000,000 when you play alone, and that’s the best-case scenario.

Cayo Perico – With A Friend

Let’s say you will steal Pink Diamond again. But this time, you will go with a friend. Of course, in the end, the payout will be halved, one for you, one for your friend. Pink Diamond and the cash in the safe will make you earn $1,500,000, again. Since there are two of you, you’ll have two bags to fill. You can fill these two bags with three slots of gold from El Rubio’s compound. That’ll give you an extra $980,000. At the end of the heist, your total earnings will be $2,500,000. And since we cut it in half, it’s $1,250,000 per person. So it’s more reasonable to do it alone.

Diamond Casino (Diamonds) – With A Friend

Let’s analyze the last possibility. Let’s say you and a friend of yours will steal diamonds from the casino and share the payout again. If you have above-average speed, you can steal all the diamonds, but you have to be pretty fast. If you add the cash from the vault on the security floor, your payout will be like $3,700,000. Your crew (NPCs) will take 25% of this money. When you split the remaining money with your friend, it’s $1,387,500 per person.

It would be best to do The Cayo Perico Heist alone. However, things change if you complete the prep missions yourself and find random players for the final mission. Because when you steal diamonds, if you take 80% of the money, you can earn close to $2,200,000.

Umut Arı
Umut Arı
gaming / hiphop enthusiast


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