HomeEsportsTransfersÖmer "iroh" Develi Joins fastPay Wildcats!

Ömer “iroh” Develi Joins fastPay Wildcats!

fastPay Wildcats has recently announced that Ömer “iroh” Develi, who was in Team SoloMid‘s (TSM) PUBG roster, joined its VALORANT roster.

As you may know, Team SoloMid closed their European PUBG roster in May. With that, Develi announced that he was leaving the competitive PUBG arena indefinitely, because he did not like the current meta and thought that he would not enjoy it. Turns out he was right. He recently announced that he will broadcast and test himself for VALORANT.

Lastly, fastPay Wildcats, which struggled quite a lot in the VALORANT Champion Tour 2021: Turkey Stage 2. They couldn’t even pass the qualifiers. Wildcats said no more and called for a change. After the VALORANT Champion Tour 2021: Turkey Stage 2 Challengers 2 qualifiers, Cem “Yato” Saat left and Ege “TheNightChe” Nuhoğlu joined the Wildcats. Lastly and truth be told finally, Ömer “iroh” Develi joined fastPay Wildcats.

Success belongs to the people who don’t stop chasing, not the people who settle. We are ready for a fresh start and new victories. Welcome IrohFPS!

Iroh also added;

Wide Iroh coming through… Playing VALORANT 10 hours a day. Hope I can get some kills. sa (selamun aleykum) = (greetings)

Roster of fastPayWildcats

  • Hakan “dESTRUCTIVEE” Lekesizer
  • Ahmet “demo” Ergan
  • Berkay “buzlumuzlusut” Tekin
  • Ege “TheNightChe” Nuhoğlu
  • Ömer “iroh” Develi

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