HomeGamesVALORANTVALORANT New Agent Leaks So Far!

VALORANT New Agent Leaks So Far!

VALORANT offers its players an enjoyable gaming experience with its innovations. The VALORANT community had met with its new agent Yoru in the past months. After the appearance of duelist agent Yoru, leaks began to come about VALORANT’s 15th agent. In this article, we will examine the newest Controller agent with all the details known so far.

As we’ve learned from the agents that came out so far, VALORANT developers love to give tips about a new agent before it arrives. These clues can often be found in maps or on a card found in the Battle Pass.

In-Game Leaks

The card, which we all have encountered frequently and maybe we are bored to see now, has appeared as a bonus of the Battle Pass. The purple orb on this card was a clue about Agent 15. In fact, this card is not the only place in the game where this sphere is shown to us. It was obvious that these purple spheres, which were found by the players on the maps and shared by VALORANT developers, are related to the new agent. When you get to the spike-setting area in side B of the Bind map, you can see these purple orbs that are probably related to the new agent’s skill.

We also said in our previous report that the new agent of VALORANT will appear in the same group as Brimstone, Viper and Omen, namely the Control Specialist. These purple spheres suggest the possibility that they may be related to the smoke clouds that they had previously released, like other Control Specialist agents, or to the ultimate ability that is not fully understood. The mysterious clues that started by saying that it will be a master of control in cosmic forces when it was first announced continue to increase our curiosity.

In the pictures below you can see the purple orbs in the Bind map we mentioned earlier. Likewise, other players mentioned that they encountered these orbs on other maps.

Social Media Leaks

With the posts of VALORANT developers recently, tips about the new agent were presented to their fans. If we look at the first one of these posts, it seems like a reference to the new agent is made with this video consisting of purple and stars.

The post made by another VALORANT developer on the same day was more open to interpretation. The hand of the new agent and her notes in a notebook stand out in the visual. In the notes in front of the new agent, there are details about the agents and maps in the game.

The drawing of the Ascent map in the notebook has some different parts from normal. Their differences brought the questions of changing the Ascent map. In the notebook full of scribbles, there are also notes about the agents in the game. She writes that ”Phoenix Showoff”. There is also a description that Reyna is in the process of deciding whether it is good or bad. Finally, there is a drawing in the lower left corner like Viper has got shot. VALORANT developers shared this image with the note “A lot to think about …”.

Despite these hints that VALORANT developers have leaked, almost no information about the new agent is certain. There are claims that it is a woman based on the hands in the images shared. On the other hand, there are people who argue that a drawing in the notebook in the photo shared by the developers is the agent himself.

Unfortunately, this is all that is known about the new agent, whose many details are still a matter of curiosity, including the release date. Based on the frequent posts, I think more detailed information will be shared soon. In addition, diversification of groups with a small number of agents will provide improvement in terms of game taste. Despite having five Duelists, there are only three Controllers. Especially considering how rarely Viper is preferred, it was really pleasing to see a new agent amongst the Controllers. We hope that more detailed information will come soon, especially the release date. For more VALORANT news, you can click on the links below.

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